Purchase Inbound number
Purchase and configure a new inbound phone number. ($15/mo. subscription using your stored payment method).
Your API key for authentication.
Choose a three-digit area code for your phone number. If set as a parameter, a number will only be purchased by exact match if available.
This defines how the AI will start the conversation, information available to it, and its behaviors. Matches how the outbound task
parameter functions.
Choose a country code for your phone number.
Options: "US"
or "CA"
for Canada. For others, please contact support.
The webhook should be a http / https callback url. We will send the call_id and transcript to this URL after the call completes. This can be useful if you want to have real time notifications when calls finish.
Specify an exact phone number you’d like to use. If provided, will override the area_code
parameter and does not fall back to any other number.
Example of the correct format (Note the "+1"
is mandatory): "+12223334444"
The created phone number, will be in the following format: +1XXXXXXXXXX
Example: +18582814611